Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

"Father’s Day is usually celebrated one day every June, but there can be other father’s days too. Fathers never stop being fathers, even when the holiday is over."

Being that today is Father's Day, I decided to take some time to tell you about the wonderful men who have had such an impact on my life and will forever hold a strong place in my heart.

Heavenly Father
I'm so grateful to my Heavenly Father and His love for me.  He is constantly blessing my life with the companionship of the Holy Ghost.  I know He lives and listens to my prayers, and although the answers may not always be what I want to hear I know He knows what is best for me.

My Father
I've never appreciated my dad enough.  I never gave him enough credit for caring about me.   But as I've gotten older, I have realized how much my dad truly loves me.  He has cared and still cares about me more than I could ever comprehend.  He might not be able to say it all the time, but I know he does.  My dad has sacrificed and continues to sacrifice so much for me.  He has always supported me, and while he is there for me to offer advice when I need it, he always lets me make my own decisions.  I love him so incredibly much and am so proud to call him my father.  He means the world to me, and I know I'm blessed to have him in my life.

James Rose
My "fake dad".  Ever since I can remember, James was there making me laugh whether it was taking me to pre-school and stopping at "Starburst" or on the way to the hospital because my head felt like it was going to explode.  Although things are different now, I will never forget the times we shared.  I am so thankful for all that he did for me and will always love him.

Todd Nelson
While he may not be my father, he is certainly a great father figure in my life.  I'm so grateful to Todd for not only being such an example to me but for always making me feel like a part of his family.  He is always so open to talking to me and helping me make life's big decisions.  I'm so blessed to have not only gained a best friend out of Whitney, but her father's guidance and love as well.

My Grandpa
This is the first father's day without my dear grandpa.  I know while he may not be on this Earth today, he is watching over me.  I hope he can feel my gratitude and love for him.  He was the strongest man I knew.  Like my father, he also had a quiet way of showing his love but I know he loves me and is with me always. I am so thankful for the knowledge I have of Heavenly Father's plan, that I can know my grandpa is not suffering anymore and is in a better place.  I miss him so much everyday and can not wait to be reunited with him again.

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