Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Trust Me, Trust Him.

  Last month I was asked to share my conversion story and testimony at the monthly missionaries' fireside.  Afterwards, I was approached by a girl close to my age.  She thanked me for what I shared and told me she was experiencing something similar to what I went through.  She said she wasn't sure if she was interested in the church for herself or if it was just because her friends and boyfriend loved it.  This post isn't about that though.  It isn't about second guessing your decision to get baptized, it is about what happens after your baptism.

  While missionary work is very important and successful, most converts will tell you they were introduced to the church by a friend.  In almost all cases, that friend was someone they were dating.  In a perfect world, you date a member of the church, learn about it, find out the truth for yourself, get baptized, and then get married to that person for time and eternity.  Sadly, it doesn't always work out that way and more than likely those two people find someone else.
  If this has happened to you, I'm sorry.  And if it is happening to you, I'm even more sorry.  But I promise, it is for the best.  At first, it might seem a little confusing.  You might feel lost and start to question your decision to join the church. STOP.  When that thought comes to your mind, just remember why you chose to follow Christ and how you felt when you came out of the waters of baptism.

  Heavenly Father loves you.  Not only that, but He knows you better than you know yourself.  He knows what will make you happy and He knows what will bring you down.  He wants what is best for you, even if you don't know what that is.  Trust Him.  Keep the commandments, read your scriptures, pray for comfort and I promise you will make it through it.  If you need someone to talk to, don't be afraid or embarrassed to speak to your bishop.  He is there to help and that is exactly what he will do.

  Even if it doesn't seem like it right now, there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Not only that but there is someone out there who will make you happier than you could ever imagined... not that I have found that someone yet but I know he's out there ;)  Don't give up on the church, the gospel is still true with or without the person who taught you about it.


  1. glad to see you are back to blogging!! i miss you!! deep and insightful as usual, love you and all that you write. I am so happy you are sharing your experiences with the world, and your picture is adorable!

  2. your blog posts make me really happy. I wish everyone in the whole wide world could read them!

  3. i'm your newest follower. on my mission i dreamed of meeting people like you!

  4. Court, love you.

    Annie, you are the best.

    Kelli, SO glad to have you! where&when did you serve?!
